~ Meet Trace Ballou ~


I am so glad that I took the leap of faith and hired Embodied Training!

I’ve been active all my life, and my body has served me well, yet the natural aging process does make for certain obstacles as one journeys through middle age.  I’m a couple years shy of 60, and recently learned that I have Osteoporosis, and my weekly yoga practice has not kept up with my body’s demand for something more rigorous and routine.  Also, my daily energy level seemed only to get a boost from caffeine.  Not a great choice at 4 pm!

Lucky for me that my friend Morgan Vejdani started Embodied Training and her career as a virtual personal trainer a few months ago and asked me if I would like to be a client.  I hesitated at first, not sure I wanted to make that kind of commitment or that I would enjoy anything “gym” related.   But, I started thinking about my lack of daily energy, my out-of-tone muscles that felt tired easily, and my dream to surf in Costa Rica, and I decided to go for it.


From our first meeting, in which Morgan assessed my fitness goals and learned about my fitness history, I could tell that I was into something good.   I had not reckoned the experience would be so personalized, so focused on my unique body and my own desired outcomes.  Our second meeting involved a thorough movement assessment, and the fact that we were talking and demonstrating moves via video conference was not at all a deterrent to the quality of our conversation.  

I find it such a time-saver, actually, to complete all phases of assessment and now workout routines from the comfort of my home.  Morgan’s coaching helped me start and set a routine that really works for my schedule and preferences.  Her coaching also helps to monitor and adjust any exercise I may find problematic or has become too “easy”, and she is also very amenable to changing it up to keep me from getting bored with the repetition.  I have  been true to my weekly routine for more than 2 months and I feel fantastic!

My daily energy levels have improved dramatically!  I no longer reach for a third and fourth cup of black tea in the afternoon.  My muscles feel tighter, my core feels stronger, and I can actually do 8 full pushups! (Well, knee push-ups, 2 sets of 4 but still!)   Plus, I am hooked on the routine of getting up and getting to my mat, resistance bands and dumbbells.

I highly recommend Morgan and Embodied Training. 

I have no doubt that she can make you feel better about yourself AND your body.


~ Meet Lindsay Porter ~


~ Meet Nicole Jackson ~