~ Meet Margaret Milner ~

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Morgan's in-depth knowledge of the human body and how it works best is such an asset to understanding the various exercises I have been learning. I really appreciate that she has met me where I am at and checks in frequently to ensure I am safe from injury. The biweekly sessions with her are so motivating - the side effects of feeling more fit are really paying off in the rest of my life as a gardener and cyclist. Thank you Morgan!

As someone who is one year into my senior years and a healthcare professional, I have known that being fit and building strength is a significant factor that prevents frailty in old age. While I had always taken pride in my level of fitness, a stressful job and the global pandemic had taken a toll on my fitness and overall health. I was feeling sluggish, was not sleeping well, and felt very unmotivated to eat well and engage in meaningful activity. Morgan came into my life just at the right time. I started virtual training with her twice a week and after 7 weeks, I have a completely new outlook on fitness, health, and wellbeing. I have better flexibility and balance and the increasing strength I am experiencing is so rewarding in such a short period of time.

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~ Meet Dan St. Pierre ~


~ Meet Lindsay Porter ~